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Robin / Fifth Wheel

1989 Alfa Gold

Excellent condition. Wanting blue book value.

Alfa Fifth WheelBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 942
Manufacturer: 11
Year/Model: 1

Prices for Alfa recreational vehicles are available from 1974 to 2008. There were several models of the Gold Series manufactured this year. Models included the [Gold CB], [Gold CBS], [Gold RK] and [Gold RKS]. These ranged from 31 to 40 feet long. We use the 37 feet Gold RK as an example to find a blue book value.

NADA Guides

Select = [RVs]

Manufacturer = [Alfa]

Year = [2007]

Model = [Gold RK / 37]

Zip Code = [00000]

[Get Base Pricing]

Low Retail = $2320
Average Retail = $2800
List Price = $35980


NADA Guides


1989 Alfa Gold

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