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Jeff / ATV

2014 Arctic Cat 500 XT AT

What is the value of this machine

Arctic Cat ATVBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 1009
Manufacturer: 1003
Year/Model: 0

There are two models of the 500 XT with one being Camouflage. Instructions for finding a blue book value follow

NADA Guides

Select = [ATVs]

Manufacturer = [Arctic Cat]

Year = [2014]

Model = [500 XT]

Zip Code = [00000]

Options = [Select]

[Get base values]

Low Retail = $3330
Average Retail = $4380
List Price = $7399

NADA Guides

Arctic Cat

2017 Arctic Cat Alterra TRV 500
1996 Arctic Cat Jag 440 Liquid Cooled
2013 Arctic Cat Sno Pro
1997 Arctic Cat Pantera
2006 Arctic Cat Crossfire
1975 Arctic Cat Cheetah 340
2006 Arctic Cat BC570
2014 Arctic Cat 500 XT AT
1999 Arctic Cat Panther 440
1998 Arctic Cat ZL 500
2004 Arctic Cat 300
2006 Arctic Cat Turbo Touring

Q & A

2017 Arctic Cat Alterra TRV 500
1978 Chevrolet Monte Carlo
2016 Dutchmen Aspen Trail 2710BH
1999 Forest River Cardinal
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