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2006 Bayliner 205

Value of an inboard 5.0 Mercury Cruiser, 2006 Bayliner.

Bayliner BoatBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 1877
Manufacturer: 94
Year/Model: 1

There are several specifications that you will need to enter to determine a blue book value with NADA Guides. This includes the engine, options, trailer plus location.

NADA Guides

Select = [Boats]

Manufacturer = [Bayliner Marine Corp]

Year = [2006]

Model = [Runabout Series / 205 BR]

Zip Code = [00000]

Engine Note = [231-265 HP (5.0L)]

Options = [Select]

Trailer = [Select]

[Get base values]

Low Retail = $12320
Average Retail = $14080
Engine = $390


NADA Guides


2006 Bayliner 205

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