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Solomon / Bobcat

2013 Bobcat A770

Is there any blue book or any web site that determines equipment values?

Bobcat BobcatBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 262
Manufacturer: 275
Year/Model: 0

There is not a blue book for equipment values. Fastline.com does provide history of previous sales. They only have one comparable sale from 2018. We located this by following these steps:

Go to [fastline.com/equipment-values]

Category = [Skid Steer Loader/Loaders]

Manufacturer = [Bobcat]

Model = [ A770]

Click [Search] to view results

2018 = [$55,900.00]

In addition to researching comparable sales online from Fastline, check with your local Bobcat Dealer to evaluate used pricing. For example, at the time of this response, Bobcat Used has 6 used Bobcat A770 listed for sale ranging in price from $39900 to 59900. There is a single listing of a 2013 Bobcat A770 for $42,850. Consider the condition of your Bobcat when determining your final price in comparison to other A770 for sale.



2011 Bobcat CT122
2013 Bobcat A770

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