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VIN Lookup

Jack / ATV

2016 Can Am Maverick XMR 1000

Whats it worth

Can Am ATVBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 1009
Manufacturer: 65
Year/Model: 0

You'll need to look under the Utility Vehicle subcategory to find a used value. Both Kelley Blue Book and NADA list these under their motorcycle category. Directions to find a value follow:

NADA Guides

Go to [www.nadaguides.com]

Select = [Motorcycles]

Select = [Utility Vehicles]

Select Make = [Can Am]

Select Year = [2016]

Select Model = [Maverick 1000R X MR]

Enter Zip Code = [00000]

Options = [Select]

[Get base values]

Suggested list price = $21489
Low retail = $11005
Average retail = $14480

Kelley Blue Book

Go to [www.kbb.com]

Select = [Motorcycles]

Select = [Utility Vehicle]

Select Make = [Can Am]

Select Year = [2016]

Select Model = [Maverick X mr 1000R]

[Trade In Value] / [Typical Listing Price]

Typical Listing Price = $13930
Trade In Value = $10225

NADA Guides

Can Am

2016 Can Am Maverick XMR 1000

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