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Rod / Camper

1993 Coleman Destiny

What is value

Coleman CamperBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 668
Manufacturer: 136
Year/Model: 2

NADA Guides provides blue book values for Coleman camping trailers from 1969 to 2011. The Destiny Series had four different models that year: Cedar, Roanoke, Rio Grande, Royale.

You'll need to identify the correct model of camper along with location to find your value. Here are steps to follow:


Select = [RVs]

Manufacturer = [Coleman]

Year = [1993]

Model = [Destiny Series / Roanoke]

Zip Code = [00000]

[Get Base Pricing]

Low Retail = $750
Average Retail = $900

Notes 10/21/20
NADA Guides


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1993 Coleman Destiny

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