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David / Travel Trailer

2020 Dutchmen 1850RB

How much should I pay for this trailer?

Dutchmen Travel TrailerBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 1032
Manufacturer: 130
Year/Model: 0

This travel trailer is referenced under the manufacturer name [Dutchmen Manufacturing / Aspen Trail] within NADA Guides. The model you are considering a purchase of is the [LE Series] [1850RB]. Using this information, you can follow these steps to include accessories that are included within the travel trailer. Also, consider comparable sales in your local area and other travel trailers available from local dealers.

NADA Guides

Go to [www.nadaguides.com]

Select = [RVS]

Select = [Travel Trailers / 5th Wheels]

Select Manufacturer = [Dutchmen Manufacturing (Aspen Trail)]

Select Year = [2020]

Select Model = [1850RB / LE Series]

Enter Zip Code = [00000]

Option = [Select]

[Get Base Pricing]

Suggested list price = $18192
Low retail = $10250
Average retail = $12350



2001 Dutchmen 21RDB
2005 Dutchmen Victory Glide
2020 Dutchmen 1850RB
2015 Dutchmen Rubicon R2500
2016 Dutchmen Aspen Trail 2710BH
2006 Dutchmen North Shore
2017 Dutchmen Apex 28 ft

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