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Shar / Motorhome

2003 Fleetwood Flair

Levelers dont work

Fleetwood MotorhomeBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 565
Manufacturer: 28
Year/Model: 0

Flair is a brand manufactured by Fleetwod. There were four models of the Fleetwood Flair motorhome manufactured in 2003. To find the value you will need to provide the model, options and location. The cost of repairing the levelers can be deducted from the estimated value or consult a Fleetwood dealer further. Here are directions using the [M-30H Ford] model as an example:

NADA Guides

Select = [RVs]

Manufacturer = [Flair - Fleetwood]

Year = [2003]

Model = [M-30H Ford]

Zip Code = [00000]

Options = [Select]

[Get Base Pricing]

Low Retail = $12570
Average Retail = $15150


NADA Guides


2005 Fleetwood Mallard
2004 Fleetwood Wilderness 31G
2003 Fleetwood Providence 39C
1993 Fleetwood American Eagle
2007 Fleetwood Wilderness
2000 Fleetwood Mallard
2003 Fleetwood Flair
2005 Fleetwood Gearbox
2010 Fleetwood Bounder G1346997

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