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Rocky / Toy Hauler

2005 Fleetwood Gearbox

What is an average price for a toy hauler per above in good condition

Fleetwood Toy HaulerBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 511
Manufacturer: 28
Year/Model: 0

To locate this toy hauler with NADA Guides, you need to look under the manufacturer name Gear Box. The Gear Box line was manufactured from 2004 to 2009. There are three different models of the 2005 Gear Box toy hauler which was manufactured by Fleetwood. There is a 31, 35 and 38 foot length to determine your model. Select here to view each model.

For the 38 foot M-375FS model of the Gear Box, the base used values provided are as follows:

Low Retail = $11600
High Retail = $14000

Pricing should be increased based on additional options and adjusted based on location.


NADA Guides


2005 Fleetwood Mallard
2004 Fleetwood Wilderness 31G
2003 Fleetwood Providence 39C
1993 Fleetwood American Eagle
2007 Fleetwood Wilderness
2000 Fleetwood Mallard
2003 Fleetwood Flair
2005 Fleetwood Gearbox
2010 Fleetwood Bounder G1346997

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