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Helen / Truck

2000 Ford F150

How much can I ask for this truck? It has 4 wheel drive and about 100,000 miles on it with good tires.

Ford TruckBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 705
Manufacturer: 465
Year/Model: 0

Your truck has low mileage compared to other vehicles from 2000. Average mileage per year is 13,500 for vehicles. You can reference multiple blue book values to determine your selling price. Both NADA Guides and Kelley Blue Book provide used values for trucks online for free. KBB lists a price of $2781 based on good condition and standard truck bed. Values can vary by location. Alternatively, NADA Guides lists an average retail price of $3550, with low price of $2450 and a high price of $5575. The higher price range applies to a truck like yours in good condition, low miles and good tires. You also need to consider demand and pricing of other vehicles in your local area when determining a final price.


Date: 10/03/20




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