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Julie / Travel Trailer

2011 Forest River Salem

What is the value of this travel trailer

Forest River Travel TrailerBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 1032
Manufacturer: 494
Year/Model: 0

The Salem travel trailers manufactred by Forest River in 2011 came in six different models ranging in length from 22 to 31 feet long. You can use NADA Guides to find a blue book value by following these steps. We have used model [30CKSS] which is 31 feet long as an example using base pricing.

NADA Guides

Go to [www.nadaguides.com]

Select = [RVS]

Select = [Travel Trailers/5th Wheels]

Select Manufacturer = [Forest River]

Select Year = [2011]

Select Model = [30CKSS / Salem Series]

Enter Zip Code = [00000]

Options = [Select]

[Get Base Pricing]

Suggested list price = $32790
Low retail = $10600
Average retail = $12750


Forest River

2018 Forest River Shockwave
2018 Forest River 30RLT
1999 Forest River Cardinal
2003 Forest River Flagstaff
2009 Forest River Wolf Pack
2014 Forest River Cedar Creek
2018 Forest River 26DBH
2016 Forest River Vibe
2017 Forest River Rockwood 8327SS
2010 Forest River 8265WS
2013 Forest River WA2313
2011 Forest River Salem
2005 Forest River Wildcat 28RK
2018 Forest River Cardinal 3850
2015 Forest River Wildwood Lite
2006 Forest River Cardinal
2020 Forest River Cherokee 26RR
2006 Forest River Wildcat
2009 Forest River T23FBSPL
2013 Forest River Flagstaff Classic Lite
2003 Forest River Salem Sport
2020 Forest River Force 34 KD

Q & A

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