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Luther / ATV

2013 Honda TRX 420 TE

I have a 2013 Honda TRX420TE with 550 miles on it. It is in perfect condition. Edmunds shows an average listing price of $3,775. Does the low mileage add much additional value?

Honda ATVBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 1009
Manufacturer: 401
Year/Model: 0

The year and mileage are the two most important factors when determining the value of an ATV. Honda manufacturers well made ATVs that can last 10,000 miles or more. The 550 miles that your ATV has on it means that the remaining life is longer when compared to other ATVs from the same year. While you might not get a lot more money, based on other ATVs available for sale, a ten to fifteen percent mark up is reasonable because of the low mileage. A price that is too high will not be competitive with newer models, so compare prices from 2014 and 2015 models before deciding on your final price for sale.


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2013 Honda TRX 420 TE

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