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David / Fifth Wheel

1996 Jayco Designer RK 30

What is fair market value

Jayco Fifth WheelBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 942
Manufacturer: 347
Year/Model: 0

There are several variation of the Jayco Designer fifth wheel. Your model number does not match those provided in NADA Guides, so we recommend double checking the model of your 5th wheel. We've provided a starting point below [start here] to select your model, along with step by step directions using an example with the Jayco Designer [2630 RK]. There is an additional variation of this model with a Slide.

NADA Guides

Go to [www.nadaguides.com]

Select = [RVS]

Select = [Travel Trailers / 5th Wheels]

Select Manufacturer = [Jayco]

Select Year = [1996] < start here

Select Model = [Designer 2630 RK]

Enter Zip Code = [00000]

Options = [Select]

[Get Base Pricing]

Suggested list price = $20543
Low retail = $4560
Average retail = $5500



2015 Jayco White Hawk
2003 Jayco Designer Legacy
2020 Jayco Eagle
2012 Jayco Jay Feather
2007 Jayco 1206
2003 Jayco Eagle
2017 Jayco Eagle
1996 Jayco Designer RK 30
2012 Jayco 26RLS

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