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Gwen / Fifth Wheel

2006 Keystone Cougar

Looking for a value. Great condition with maybe 8500 to 9000 miles on it.

Keystone Fifth WheelBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 942
Manufacturer: 669
Year/Model: 3

The mileage on a fifth wheel is not as important as other vehicles with a motor such as a motorhome. Overall condition will impact a fifth wheels value more.

NADA Guides

Select = [RVs]

Manufacturer = [Keystone RV]

Year = [2006]

Model = [Cougar Series / M-314 EFS]

Options = [Select]

[Get Base Pricing]

Low Retail = $8200
High Retail = $9850

NADA Guides

There are eleven different models of the Keystone Cougar ranging in length from 26 to 35 feet. Make sure to designate the correct model to determine the blue book value of your fifth wheel.


2017 Keystone 353FWDEN
2014 Keystone Bullet 26RBPR
2007 Keystone Cougar 278RKS
2008 Keystone Hornet
2010 Keystone Springdale 297FSSKR
2019 Keystone Hideout 176LHS
2004 Keystone Outback BHS28
2019 Keystone Montana
2017 Keystone 1700FQ
2009 Keystone Springdale
2020 Keystone Hideout
2004 Keystone Everest
2006 Keystone Cougar
2008 Keystone Hideout
2005 Keystone Montana with 3 Slides
2015 Keystone 3735MK
2016 Keystone SM2660
2008 Keystone 30BHQ

Q & A

2019 Keystone Montana
1999 Coleman Fleetwood Cheyenne
2013 Bobcat A770
2005 Dodge Dakota
1989 Alfa Gold