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Don / Fifth Wheel

2019 Keystone Montana

What is the trade in value of my 2019 Keystone Montana 3921FB Legacy Model

Keystone Fifth WheelBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 942
Manufacturer: 669
Year/Model: 5

Instructions follow, using your Keystone Montana as an example, without options for base pricing from NADA Guides. Trade In Value can also be obtained directly from a Keystone RV dealer. Consider overall condition and include options when finding your blue book value online.

NADA Guides

Go to [www.nadaguides.com]

Select = [RVS]

Select = [Travel Trailers/5th Wheels]

Select Manufacturer = [Keystone RV]

Select Year = [2019]

Select Model = [3921 FB / Montana]

Enter Zip Code = [00000]

Options = [Select]

[Get Base Pricing]

Suggested list price = $99360
Low retail = $57700
Average retail = $69500



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2019 Keystone Montana
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2020 Keystone Hideout
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2006 Keystone Cougar
2008 Keystone Hideout
2005 Keystone Montana with 3 Slides
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2016 Keystone SM2660
2008 Keystone 30BHQ

Q & A

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