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Barbara / Snowmobile

1992 Polaris 440

Looking for a selling price. Sled is not working, needs repair.

Polaris SnowmobileBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 3254
Manufacturer: 1414
Year/Model: 2

Blue book prices from NADA for snowmobiles are based on good and working condition. You can use the base price to evaluate the value while making adjustments for repairs that will be needed.

Below are how to locate a blue book value for a 1992 Polaris Indy 440:

NADA Guides

Go to [www.nadaguides.com]

Select = [Motorcycles]

Select = [Snowmobiles]

Select Make = [Polaris]

Select Year = [1992]

Select Model = [Indy 440]

Enter Zip Code = [00000]

Options = [Select]

[Get base values]

Suggested list price = $4799 Low retail = $460 Average retail = $605



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