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Jeff / Jet Ski

1996 Polaris SLT780


Polaris Jet SkiBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 1224
Manufacturer: 1414
Year/Model: 0

Both Kelley Blue Book and NADA Guides provide blue book values for Polaris jet skis. But, KBB only provides values dating back to 2000. NADA Guides is a good reference that provides all years. Jet skis are classified under their Motorcycle category using a sub category of Personal watercraft. We've also corrected the model from Sl 780 to SLT780. This can be difficult to find, so we have included a link along with instructions below.

NADA Guides

Select = [Motorcycle]

Select = [Personal Watercraft]

Manufacturer = [Polaris]

Year = [2000]

Model = [SLT780]

Zip Code = [00000]

Options = [Select]

[Get base values]

Low Retail = $240
Average Retail = $280


NADA Guides
Kelley Blue Book


Model = Sl 780 vs SLT780


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1996 Polaris SLT780

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