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Bob / Snowmobile

1974 Rupp Nitro-2

What would the value be on a 1974 Rupp Nitro-2/440 snowmobile in great condition that was stored inside since it was purchased new

Rupp SnowmobileBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 3254
Manufacturer: 1
Year/Model: 1

That is a classic snowmobile defined as vintage because of the old age. I recommend consulting with a snowmobile dealer for an appraisal due to limited information available of other comparable sales.

Kelley Blue Book only provides blue book values of snowmobiles between 2000 to 2021 currently.

NADA Guides does not provide blue book values for Rupp snowmobiles.

An alternative method for determining value is to check prices of Rupp snowmobiles listed on Ebay and other websites where you can buy and sell snowmobiles.




1974 Rupp Nitro-2

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