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Lawrence / Jet Ski

1999 Sea Doo GSX 900

How much is this worth, 1.5 hrs from new on trailer

Sea Doo Jet SkiBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 1224
Manufacturer: 564
Year/Model: 0

Currently, Kelley Blue Book only provides blue book values for jet skis back to 2000. This limits your search to NADA. They classify jet skis under a sub category of Motorycycles using the name Personal Watercraft.

Below we have included instructions for finding the value of a GSX LTD using NADA. You can follow these steps and add any optioins that your jet ski may have. Adjust your pricing upwards by at least 10 to 15% for the low number of hours if the jet ski has been well maintained as in good condition.

NADA Guides

Select = [Motorcycle]

Select = [Personal Watercraft]

Manufacturer = [Sea Doo/BRP]

Year = [1999] < start here

Model = [GSX LTD 5849]

Zip Code = [00000]

Engine Note [115-135 HP (3.0L)

Options = [Select]

[Get base values]

Suggest List Price = $7699
Low Retail = $1940
Average Retail = $2170


GSX LTD 5849
GSX RFI 5637
GSX RFI 5638

Sea Doo

1999 Sea Doo GSX 900

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