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Phil / Camper

1998 Starcraft Starflyer

What is it worth

Starcraft CamperBlue Book

Market Rank
Category: 668
Manufacturer: 96
Year/Model: 1

The Starflyer 1021 is a 21 foot 5 inch camping trailer which was part of the Classic Series manufactured by Starcraft. NADA Guides provides blue book values for Starcraft camping trailers back to 1966.

The following directions provide steps to find a value.

NADA Guides

Go to [www.nadaguides.com]

Select = [RVS]

Select = [Camping Trailers]

Select Manufacturer = [Starcraft]

Select Year = [1998]

Select Model = [Starflyer]

Enter Zip Code = [00000]

Options = [Select]

[Get Base Pricing]

Suggested list price = $5167
Low retail = $1375
Average retail = $1650



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